Thank you for your interest in being a Affiliate for Johanna-May Activewear.
I am seeking like minded individuals & businesses that work in a complimentary field to my Activewear and have a keen interest in helping to support and promote these 3 brands from Brazil. [/affiliates_is_not_affiliate] [affiliates_is_affiliate]
Welcome back to your Affiliate account page
[/affiliates_is_affiliate] [affiliates_is_not_affiliate]
- If you have a website I would love you to make a placement of my logo on your website stating that you support and represent Johanna-May Activewear which would then offer your client your unique link to the website.
- Do at least 4 Social Media posts per month stating your unique affiliate link code & tagging my business name (Images will be provided)
In return, you will earn 10% commission on all sales attributed to traffic from your links.
(Offer excludes items on sale, gift certificates and my personal styling service packages).[/affiliates_is_not_affiliate]
[affiliates_is_affiliate]Thank you for supporting my business. As part of my team there are a couple of quick and simple things I ask of you:
- If you have a website I would love you to make a placement of my logo on your website stating that you support and represent Johanna-May Activewear which would then offer your client your unique link to the website.
- Do at least 4 Social Media posts per month stating your unique affiliate link code & tagging my business name (Images will be provided)
In return, you will earn 10% commission on all sales attributed to traffic from your links.
(Offer excludes items on sale, gift certificates and my personal styling service packages).[/affiliates_is_affiliate]
Already an Affiliate?
Please log in to access the Affiliate area.
Here you can find information about your Affiliate link and earnings.
Affiliate Information
[affiliates_fields]Your Affiliate link
Your Affiliate URL:
Use this code to embed your Affiliate link:
<a href="[affiliates_url]">Affiliate link</a>
Tip: You should change the text Affiliate link to something more attractive.
Generate an affiliate link for a product or page:
1. paste the Page URL from your browser
2. click Generate
3. copy the new Affiliate URL to share
Banners available
Copy the below code to your website to show my logo, with your affiliate link already embedded.
If you would like other banners created, please contact me.
Total Earnings
Commissions pending payment
[affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”accepted”]Commissions paid
[affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”closed”]Number of sales referred
- Accepted referrals pending payment: [affiliates_referrals status=”accepted”]
- Referrals paid: [affiliates_referrals status=”closed”]
Monthly Earnings
[affiliates_earnings] [affiliates_logout] [/affiliates_is_affiliate]Not an Affiliate yet?
If you are interested in applying please fill out our Affiliate form here: